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All skills are needed to advance the Hands Off Uhuru Campaign!

Description: The Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Legal Defense Support Committee works under the leadership of the HOUHOA Steering Committee to provide legal research, tactical, and political support to the Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Campaign in adherence with the HOUHOA principles of unity. The LDSC is a vital resource for the team of lawyers who are currently representing clients in any legal proceedings related to the FBI raids of July 29, 2022 against African People’s Socialist Party and solidarity movement members and property.


Law Students! The LDSC is your opportunity for Legal Externship experience as Legal Associates/Legal Interns, to work under the supervision of a licensed attorney! Skills Needed: 
  1. Paralegal and legal associate skills to: draft motions/memos/briefs, review archives, complete court filings.
  2. Outreach: Consolidate lawyers for the legal team (Joint Legal Defense). Recruiting law students / paralegals / law clerks, researchers, etc. to support the goals and objectives of the LDSC.
  3. Take initiative to advance LDSC actions against the FBI, such as filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Information / Education / Technology (aka Info/Ed/Tech)

Description: This committee is defined as: Responsible for getting out information and spreading awareness regarding the HOUHOA campaign, through media, social media, website, print design, and other mediums available to us. Produce creative and winning propaganda material that explains this campaign, as well as defines the narrative around the attacks. Develops campaign merchandise for sale.
Skills Needed:
  1. Writers
  2. Website posters
  3. Social media posting and engagement
  4. Database management
  5. Media follow-up
  6. Graphic designers
  7. Video editors
  8. Public Relations

Events and Tours

Description: Arranges and Coordinates campaign public events/meetings, (online hybrid, in-person), speaking engagements on college campuses, bookstores, etc. with individuals and/or organizations as outlined by Uhuru Tours & Speaker Bureau. Skills Needed:
  1. Secretary (high priority)
  2. Event planners/scheduler
  3. WordPress Content Publisher

Academics, Intellectual Workers and Students

Description: Organize academics, writers, etc. to uphold the Chairman and APSP’s history. Win academics and intellectuals in support of the HOU/HOA campaign. Organize and create written materials and works that inform public conversation. Promote the Theory of African Internationalism and Chairman’s writings. Win academics, faculty, and others to organize public speaking events and forums featuring Chairman Omali and other targeted Uhuru movement leaders.

Fundraising Committee


The “Hands Off Uhuru” Fundraising Committee will be responsible for leading the campaign to raise $500,000 for the legal defense and campaign.

See Fundraising Toolkit HERE



*Includes the collectivized skills of Culture Workers to include rap artists, musicians, song writers, actors, comedians, poets, and performers. Write songs, make public statements, hold benefit concerts in support of the Hands Off Uhuru Hands Off Africa Defense Committee, and Defend the Right to Free Speech.


Description: The outreach-recruitment committee is tasked with creating a campaign presence everywhere the masses are- on the ground and online. This work includes postering, flyering, tabling and identifying campaign promotion opportunities. This committee also creates strategies for recruiting volunteers into this campaign and placing them onto a campaign committee.

Start or Join a Hands Off Uhuru! Committee in Your Area!

Description: The Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Counteroffensive is looking for you to take the bold step to start or join an organizing committee in your area – TODAY!  Start by clicking the button below to Sign Up! for more information and support!

Materials for your action


Stop Sanctions on Community Programs - Social Media Graphics
Black Power BlueprintCommunity Garden
Basketball Court
Doula Project