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African National Women's Organization
African People’s Solidarity Committee (APSC)
African Socialist International (ASI)
African Socialist International (ASI) – Africa Region
Ajamu Baraka
Al Suarez, Revolutionary Alliance
All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP)
Americans for Peace and Human Rights
Belinda Parker-Brown
Belize Black Unity Network
Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition
Betty Davis (New Abolitionist Movement)
Black Alliance for Peace
Black Is Back Coalition
Black Lives Matter Boston
Black Workers for Justice
Caleb Maupin, Center for Political Innovation (CPI)
Charles and Inez Barron, Operation Power
Rev. Clarence Williams, Greater Mount Zion AME Church
Committee to Defend Free Speech in Miami
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Danish Community Party
December 12th Movement (D-12), Viola Plumber and Roger Wareham
Defending Rights & Dissent
Don Harder
Efia Nwangaza, Malcolm X Center for Self Determination
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Freedom Socialist Party
Green Party of St. Louis
Institute of the Black World 21st Century
International Women's Alliance
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) / Pastors for Peace
Jamaa’aatul Asr
John McCarthy, Americans for Peace and Human Rights
John Muhammad
Laura Garza, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate
Leonard Peltier Ad Hoc Committee
Malcolm X Commemoration Committee
National Black United Front (NBUF), Chair Kofi Taharka
National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA)
National Conference of Black Lawyers (NCBL)
National Jericho Movement
National Lawyers Guild
October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality in New York
Odessa Solidarity Campaign
Organization for Black Struggle St. Louis (OBS STL)
Pan Afrikan And Indigenous Movement from the Caribbean
Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum (PASCF)
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Ralph Poynter, (Lynne Stewart Committee, "Whats Happenin BlogTalk Radio" )
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Sara Flounders, International Action Center
Socialist Action
Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Unity Party
Troika Kollective
St. Pete for Peace
The JOKO Collective
U.S. Palestinian Community Network
U.S. Students Against Imperialism (formerly American Student Union of Virginia)
Uhuru Solidarity Movement (USM)
UniĂłn del Barrio
U.S. Peace Council
United National AntiWar Coalition (UNAC)
Workers World Party
Zaki Baruti