Los 3 de Uhuru: Juicio del Siglo por Libertad de Expresión; ¡Laprimera semana revela que el gobierno no tiene nada!

If the embedded video player is not working, view the video of this translation on YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/CJz-QpN-ckQ Tampa, FL—La primera semana del juicio por libertad de expresión contra el Chairman…

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Uhuru 3 Free Speech Trial of the Century; Week One reveals the government has nothing!

Tampa, FL—The first week of the free speech trial of Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel left observers shaking their heads and asking how the government has dedicated 30 FBI agents over the course of three years, conducted military raids on peaceful U.S. residents, offered a $10 million reward for information and still has no case.

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Day Three: FBI lies, hearsay and speculation (French translation)

French translation of the update article from day three of the Uhuru 3 Trial in Tampa, Florida. Translation by Luwezi Kinshasa, Secretary General of the African Socialist International (ASI) Translations…

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Tercer día: Mentiras, rumores y especulaciones del FBI

En la tercera jornada del juicio por libertad de expresión contra los 3 de Uhuru (Uhuru 3), los partidarios de la libertad de expresión siguieron llenando el tribunal. Casi 100 personas se sentaron en el sala del juzgado 17, la más grande del Tribunal Federal de Tampa. Más simpatizantes observaban desde la sala adicional de la 3ª planta....

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Read more about the article Day Three: FBI lies, hearsay and speculation
The Uhuru 3, comrades and supporters on the steps of the federal courthouse in Tampa, Florida where the historic trial of the Uhuru 3 is being held

Day Three: FBI lies, hearsay and speculation

On Thursday, September 5, the 3rd day of the Uhuru 3 free speech trial, supporters continued to pack the court. Nearly 100 people were seated in courtroom 17, the largest in Tampa’s Federal Courthouse. More supporters watched from the overflow room on the 3rd floor. Luminaries came from around the U.S. to attend the free speech trial of the century. Present in court on Day Three was...

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Read more about the article Day Two of Uhuru 3 trial hears FBI testimony
U.S. District Court Judge William Jung presides over the proceedings. Uhuru 3 members and attorneys (Front row: Attorney Leonard Goodman, Penny Hess, Attorney Angela Reaney. Second row: Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Attorney Ade Griffin, Attorney Mutaqee Akbar, Jesse Nevel.)

Day Two of Uhuru 3 trial hears FBI testimony

Tampa, FL—Wednesday, September 4, the second day of the federal criminal trial of the Uhuru 3 on bogus charges of being secret pawns in a Russian government conspiracy to “sow…

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Uhuru 3 free speech trial begins; jury selection, opening arguments (French translation)

French translation of the update article from day one of the Uhuru 3 Trial in Tampa, Florida. Translation by Luwezi Kinshasa, Secretary General of the African Socialist International (ASI) Read…

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Hands Off Uhuru! Campaign Chair Mwezi Odom speaks at the press conference on day one of the trial of the Uhuru 3, outside the Federal Courthouse in Tampa, Florida

Uhuru 3 free speech trial begins; jury selection, opening arguments

On Tuesday, September 3, day one of the free speech “trial of the century” began with a press conference across the street from the Federal Courthouse in Tampa. Free speech defenders and social justice activists from across the U.S. expressed their support for the Uhuru 3—Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel, falsely accused of being secret pawns in a Russian government conspiracy to “sow discord” and “interfere in elections.”

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Read more about the article Statement of Attorney Jenipher R. Jones regarding the Uhuru 3 trial
Attorney Jenipher R. Jones

Statement of Attorney Jenipher R. Jones regarding the Uhuru 3 trial

On behalf of the Leonard Peltier Legal Team, the Leonard Peltier Ad Hoc Committee, and theNational Lawyers Guild Mass Incarceration Committee, we stand in unwavering solidarity with theUhuru 3 and…

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National Lawyers Guild-Chicago Chapter files motion to submit Amicus brief in Uhuru 3 free speech case

On August 16, 2024 the National Lawyers Guild-Chicago Chapter, filed a motion for leave to file an amicus curiae brief in support of the Uhuru 3. Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess…

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