People power wins the day: John Parker is home safe

Dec. 3 — After 37 hours of detainment by Egyptian authorities, John Parker and the rest of the #Cairo4 were deported and traveled safely home.

The #Cairo4 were an international delegation of activists who traveled to Egypt for the Global Conscience Convoy initiated by the Egyptian Syndicate of Journalists, a grassroots effort to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The mass movement made it happen. Forces from around the world, already united for Palestine, united against repression and for our right to stand with Palestine.

As of today, John is home safe in Los Angeles. This very same day, he launched his candidacy for California’s 37th congressional district. His campaign will stand in unwavering solidarity with Palestine.

Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice – LA
Struggle-La Lucha
Peoples Power Assembly

**Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice – LA is a member organization of the Hands Off Uhuru! Fightback Coalition.

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