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Slanderous attacks against Uhuru Movement, another tactic of FBI’s COINTELPRO!

It recently came to our attention that social media pages of several of our members and supporters were spammed with comments from what appears to be an undercover police agent posing as a militant, making slanderous claims that the Party, Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the Uhuru Movement are “the police” and “cannot be trusted.” 

Rather than simply dismiss these comments as the mere rantings of an internet troll, we feel it is important to expose that such slanderous attempts to sow turmoil and suspicion within the African Liberation Movement are part and parcel of the larger assault being made against our movement presently by the U.S. federal government. They are consistent with the tactics of COINTELPRO–the FBI program devised to crush the Black Revolution of the ‘60s. 

Some of the stated goals of the FBI’s COINTELPRO tactics are to:

  • “Create a negative public image for target groups [for example through surveilling activists and then releasing negative personal information to the public];
  • “Break down internal organization by creating conflicts [for example, by having agents exacerbate racial tensions, or send anonymous letters to try to create conflicts];
  • “Create dissension between groups [for example, by spreading rumors that other groups were stealing money]”

The U.S. government is in a desperate state to maintain control of the colonial mode of production. 

It’s using all avenues to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, or otherwise neutralize” our success in winning a liberated and united African people.

This explains why the FBI militarily attacked our movement on July 29, 2022, which has only led to exponential growth in our organization. 

The people see the successes of our work to build economic and political independence: the Gary Brooks Community Garden, the One Africa One Nation Farmers Market, the beautiful murals, the Community Basketball Court, the African Independence Workforce Program and Housing, the African Women’s Health Center and African Doula Training Program and the over 50 other economic institutions of our Party. 

The people see the colonial U.S. government exposing itself on its last legs of existence. While we are winning this war of ideas in the streets, we must still be vigilant and armed to identify such provocations as further actions by the colonial State trying to attack our Party. 

We must continue to expose these colonial and neocolonial agents, keep our boots on the ground and organize, organize, organize to win the masses!

Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa!

Say NO to the FBI’s war on the Black Liberation Movement!

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