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United National AntiWar Coalition (UNAC) condemns FBI raids on African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement

Reposted from the UNAC website

We encourage all anti-imperialist, progressive, antiwar, civil liberties organizations, union and community organizers to speak out against the July 29 FBI raids in St Petersburg, FL and St Louis, MO

In a 5 am surprise attack, including flash bang grenades and seizures of files, phones and computers, the FBI sought to terrorize members of the African Peoples Socialist Party for speaking against U.S. war in Ukraine. The FBI indictment of a Russian national makes claims of a “Russian foreign influence” operation. This type of charge has historically been used to silence opposition to U.S. government policies internationally.

We condemn these McCarthyite tactics. This is a racist attack on a well-known Black organization and an effort to criminalize freedom of speech and freedom of association.

We support the constitutional right to speak and organize against U.S. wars and racist injustice. We assert our right to write, speak with and to visit with peoples in countries targeted by U.S. wars and sanctions. This includes movements of exchange and solidarity with Cuba, Palestine, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Korea, China, Russia and other countries.

Our most basic rights are threatened by this outrageous act of political repression.

Stop FBI Attacks!
An injury to one is an injury to all!

Organizations and individuals – add your signature to UNAC’s statement HERE

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